The nursery

The Nursery

Dahlia Salvia

The Nursery
Perfect garden plants

The No Name Nursery was born out of a love of gardening and the drive to find great garden plants for any situation and need. We did not want to be Pidgeon-holed into being known for growing a particular type of plant, instead we have an eclectic mix of plants on the nursery all propagated by us from stock plants at the land, mostly growing perennial’s but also shrubs, trees, annuals, tender perennials and lots of exotic plants that love our east kent climate and soil conditions (silty loam).

We tend to grow plants which are not easy to find at other nurseries or garden centres, we only grow a fraction of our plant collection from the land each year, preferring to pick on plants to propagate in rotation, it keeps our interest up in what we are growing and offers customers constantly changing stock. However if we are asked for plants we have grown before we’re always happy to propagate more.

We do not open at the nursery or offer mail order. We can bring plants to events and talks we attend for collection.

Our latest stock list

Our stock list is constantly changing. Please contact us if there is a particular plant you are looking for.

Plants in border. Plants in border.

Upcoming Events
You can find us next at...

Sunday 15th September

NGS open garden at our home

Charity event

11am-4pm. Sweetbriar, 69 Chequer Lane, Ash, Kent, CT3 2AX. £5 garden entry

Find out more